NOTE: this will only work with 3.60 Official firmware or lower if you are over you have to wait for the updated version
Step 1: Power on your PSVita and be sure that your Wi-Fi is enabled
Step 2: navigate to the following address using your web browser application
Step 3: once on the webpage select install on the screen and allow it to install the patches. This will also install the program if your screen goes gray and says please wait or if you get an error message don't worry just keep trying if you try more than eight times reboot your PSVita and repeat step two.
Step 4: once you've successfully install the program open it up and you should only see highlighted folder that says UX0:/ this is your memory stick or system memory on your system hit start and scroll down to enable on safe homebrew and turn that on then hit start and exit molecular shell by hitting the PS button and swiping to the left.
Step 5: reboot molecular shell and now you should see all the other folders available and I will be able to freely use the FTP client and that will be in my next video
Congratulations you just successfully cracked your PS Vida running official firmware 3.60
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