Monday, April 2, 2018

Play PSP Games on PS3 with REBUG 4.81.2 COBRA & PSP Launcher

This is a video on how to play your favorite PSP Games on your Playstation 3 running CFW. This will work with all REX/D-REX CFW's for REBUG from 4.65 - 4.81 4.82.1 LITE REBUG is buggy so i recommend staying on 4.81.2 or lower.



Step 1:  After downloading the files above, Plug in a USB thumb drive and copy both REBUG Toolbox and PSP Launcher 2.00 to the root of the USB.

Step 2:  On the Root of the USB create a new folder called PSPISO and open it. Place whatever ISO file you want here.

Step 3:  Plug your USB into your PS3 and then scroll to Package Manager, Select Install Package Files then Standard Installation and install REBUG Toolbox and PSP Launcher.

Step 4:  Go back to the mail XMB after your all installed and select your REBUG Toolbox, Once open go to Selector and make sure the following apply

System Mode:  REBUG
Cobra Mode:  Enable
WebMAN:  Enable

Step 5:  Exit the Rebug toolbox and your PS3 will reboot. Once thats done, it's time to copy your ISO to your HDD.

Step 6:  Open your MultiMAN and for to Root Browser/mmOS. Open the PS3 Root and select your USB. Select your PSPISO folder and hit O on your ISO and then select copy by pressing X. Navigate back to HDD0 and select the PSPISO folder there and hit O and select Paste by pressing X then Exit MultiMAN.

Step 7:  Open up WebMAN on your XMB and select PlayStation Portable, then select your ISO. Hit yes at the command and then launch your PSP Launcher and enjoy the game!!

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