Friday, October 18, 2013

StealthMan (MultiMan) V4.50.02 for CEX/DEX 4.50 CFW's PS3

This is the new version of Multiman for your PS3 running CEX or DEX base CFW 4.46. Down Below there will be links for DEX base and CEX base MultiMan PKG's and also the Stealth Pack.

Step 1: Download and extract the files, Depending on the Firmware you're running, Select the Needed MultiMan. Also the Stealth Add-on, Extract the Stealth files and plug in a USB Drive with at least 1GB of space.

Step 2: On the root of the USB place the MultiMan V4.50.02 PKG and also the Report_Data.txt. Rename the MultiMan PKG as installPKG.pkg, leave the Report_Data.txt as is. Unplg the USB from your Computer and plug it into your PS3.

Step 3: On the PS3, go over to the Game section on the XMB and locate *Install Package Files and locate the InstallPKG.pkg Press X to insall it and wait forit to complete. Once done Reboot your PS3.

Step 4: After the Reboot, Go back to the Game section on the XMB and go to *Install Package Files again and hit the START button over the installPKG.pkg. It will say that "the Current version is already installed, do you wish to continue?" hit yes and allow it to install. Once its done installing open Multiman.

Step 5: Agree to the 3 pages of the Licence agreement when prompted and continue. Once you see the MultiMan logo and after it applys the Theme you should see a Refresh Logo pop up underneith it.

Once thats Completed you are running the StealthMan Version of MultiMan V4.50.02

If you wish to install Showtime Just Install the CEX or DEX Base Versions Via *Install Package Files



This is the New CFW for your PS3 Running CEX Base CFW 4.50 V1.00 FERROX, This allows you to play online with no spoof and also there is a new Multiman with Stealth patch to install as well.

Step 1: After downloading the File below, Take a USB drive (at least 1GB) and plug it into your Computer.

Step 2: On the Root of the USB if you havent already make a folder called "PS3" (No Quotes" and open it. Inside that folder make a Folder called "UPDATE" (No Qoutes) and in this folder copy the FERROX_450_100.PUP

Step 3: Rename the FERROX_450_100.PUP to PS3UPDATE.PUP and then exit the USB and plug it into your PS3.

NOTE: There is no need to Update your SingStar MultiMan or Multiman yet but you will not be able to play yout Game Backups untill you do.

Step 4: On the XMB go to System Update and click X then go to Update Via Storage Media, Locate the 4.50 PUP and click X again. Allow the data to copy to the HDD and then hit the PS Button and resume the Update.

When the Update is done you are now Running CFW CEX Base 4.50 V1.00 FERROX


Intro to the Windows Surface 8 Tablet

This is a new range of videos I will be putting out based on the new Microsoft Surface Windows 8 PRO RT and PRO tablets. This is a little introduction to help users understand their tablet a little better with downloads, installs and basic settings and more will be soon to come as we release your devices full potential.

SEN Enabler 5.2.2 for 4.50 CFW CEX or Lower PS3

This is the SEN Enabler for CEX Base CFW users on 4.50 Custom Firmware or lower. This allows you to Spoof your Console ID, MAC address, and PSID with the Click of a button and can potentially Un-Ban your Console.

Know Bugs: Only works with some CEX Base CFW's such as Rogero and ARCH.

Step 1: Download the files below and extract to see the folder SEN Enabler V5.2.2 4.50 CEX. Inside this folder will be the following: SEN ID's Packager Folder, PSID.TXT, MAC.TXT, ConsoleID.TXT, README.TXT, and SEN Enabler v5.2.2 [CEX] [4.50].pkg

Step 2: Take a USB flash drive and plug it into your PC. On the Root of the USB copy the SEN Enabler v5.2.2 [CEX] [4.50].pkg as well as the PSID.TXT, MAC.TXT and the ConsoleID.TXT

Step 3: Unplug the USB flash drive from the PC and plug into your PS3. Scroll over to GAME section and locate *Install Package Files and press X. On Rebug Firmwares, Select Last option, other firmwares will just display. Press X on SEN Enabler v5.2.2 [CEX] [4.50].pkg to install.

Step 4: Run the SEN Enabler 5.2.2 from your GAME section and wait for the Menu. Press TRIANGLE to enable the Flash Write, then press R3 (Right Analogue Stick) to patch the TXT document Data. If it doesn't work upon reboot try a different 4.46 CEX Base CFW.


4.50 Spoofer for 4.XX CFW PS3

This is a homebrew installer PKG that allows you to spoof your Firmware on your PS3. This is for the following firmwares:

SGK CFW 4.46
Rogero CFW 4.46
Rogero CFW 4.30, 4.40, 4.41
Rebug CFW 4.46

Step 1: Select the proper download below and extract the file from the file you have downloaded, you WILL need an extraction program (WinRAR). you will have a (firmware)(Version)Spoof.PKG

Step 2: Plug in a USB flash drive and copy the PKG to the Root of the USB and then once it's done copying, unplug the USB and place it in your PS3.

Step 3: On the PS3 locate *Install Package Files and install the Package for your spoofer. Rebug CFW's wil need to select Basic Folder.

Step 4: To enable or disable the spoof at any time just run the application from XMB under GAME.

Rogero 4.46:
Rogero 4.30 4.40 4.41:
Rebug 4.46:

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Game Boy Advance for PS3 VBAM Next Emulator

This is the GSPKai (Game Boy Advance) for your PS3 running CFW. This has been tested by me on 4.46 Habib's V2.05 so it will work with 4.XX CFW's both CEX and DEX Base.

Step 1: Download the file below as shown, IV0002-VBAM90000_00-SAMPLE0000000001.pkg and leave it on your Desktop. Now take a USB and plug it into your computer or PC.

Step 2: Copy the IV0002-VBAM90000_00-SAMPLE0000000001.pkg to the root of the USB, if you have any ROMS and for Game Boy Advance they will be in GBA format, Make a ROMS folder on the root of the USB and place your ROMS in here for now.

Step 3: Take the USB out of your PC and plug it into your PS3, on the PS3 scroll to the Game section on the XMB and select *Install Package Files and select IV0002-VBAM90000_00-SAMPLE0000000001.pkg and install it.

Step 4: After the installation completes, place your ROMS in the emulators folder. Open MultiMan and go to File Manager / MMOS, select PS3 Root and then Select the following directory: HDD0/game/VBAM90000/USRDIR/roms This is where you will place your GBA ROM files. Leave that aside and open another PS3 Root this time open your USB with this following directory: (USB in far right slot) USB000/roms select the ROMS individually by scrolling over and pressing X once and then hit O in the blue and COPY, Now go to the Emulator Directory and hit O and Paste.

Step 5: Once you've done that, exit MultiMan and get to the XMB. Scroll to where your VBAM Next is and boot it.

Step 6: Once loaded, Hit SELECT and open the options. Now scroll to PATH and hit X on the ROM DIR and now select the HDD0/game/VBAM90000/USRDIR/roms and it will always boot on that DIR.

Step 7: Reboot the Emulator and then load up a ROM and Enjoy.


Friday, September 20, 2013

SNES9XYL Super Nintendo Emulator for PS3 CFW 4.46 CEX/DEX

This is the SNES9X for your PS3 running CFW. This has been tested by me on 4.46 Habib's V2.05 so it will work with 4.XX CFW's both CEX and DEX Base.

Step 1: Download the file below as shown, IV0002-SNES90000_00-SAMPLE0000000001.pkg and leave it on your Desktop. Now take a USB and plug it into your computer or PC.

Step 2: Copy the IV0002-SNES90000_00-SAMPLE0000000001.pkg to the root of the USB, if you have any ROMS and for SNES they will be in SMC format, Make a ROMS folder on the root of the USB and place your ROMS in here for now.

Step 3: Take the USB out of your PC and plug it into your PS3, on the PS3 scroll to the Game section on the XMB and select *Install Package Files and select IV0002-SNES90000_00-SAMPLE0000000001.pkg and install it.

Step 4: After the installation completes, place your ROMS in the emulators folder. Open MultiMan and go to File Manager / MMOS, select PS3 Root and then Select the following directory: HDD0/game/SNES90000/USRDIR/roms This is where you will place your SNES SMC ROM files. Leave that aside and open another PS3 Root this time open your USB with this following directory: (USB in far right slot) USB000/roms select the ROMS individually by scrolling over and pressing X once and then hit O in the blue and COPY, Now go to the Emulator Directory and hit O and Paste.

Step 5: Once you've done that, exit MultiMan and get to the XMB. Scroll to where your SNES9X is and boot it.

Step 6: Once loaded, Hit SELECT and open the options. Now scroll to PATH and hit X on the ROM DIR and now select the HDD0/game/SNES90000/USRDIR/roms and it will always boot on that DIR.

Step 7: Reboot the Emulator and then load up a ROM and Enjoy.


Thursday, September 19, 2013

MultiMan (StealthMan) V4.46.04 PS3 CFW

This is an update for the 4.46.03 version of MultiMan or StealthMan. This is a minor update but if you DO NOT have the 4.46.03 MultiMan or StealthMan installed you WILL NOT be able to run this. This is for CEX and DEX Base CFW MultiMan's.

Step 1: Download the file below and you will have a multiman_04.46.04.pkg

Step 2: Plug in your Package installing USB (or whatever you use) and on the root of the USB copy the multiman_04.46.04.pkg

Step 3: Once you've done that, take the USB from your PC and plug it into your PS3's far right USB port, USB000

Step 4: Locate *Install Package files under game and click X on the multiman_04.46.04.pkg It wil tell you the current version is already installed, continue and allow the install to commence, once youve done that boot MultiMan or StealthMan and agree to the 3 pages of the Agreement and your done. You're now running 4.46.04 Stealth Base or Regular MultiMan


Monday, September 16, 2013

StealthMan V4.46.03 (MultiMan) for PS3 4.46 CFW's

This is the new version of Multiman for your PS3 running CEX or DEX base CFW 4.46. Down Below there will be links for DEX base and CEX base MultiMan PKG's and also the Stealth Pack.

NOTE: The Stealth Pack comes with the CEX Base 4.46.01 MultiMan renamed as installPKG.pkg if you're running DEX Base CFW just replace the CEX MultiMan in the stealth pack with the DEX Base 4.46.01 MultiMan and rename it as installPKG.pkg

Step 1: Download the needed MultiMan for either CEX or DEX Base, Depending on the Firmware your running, and also Download the Stealth Add-on. Extract the Stealth files and plug in a USB Drive with at least 1GB of space.

Step 2: On the root of the USB place the MultiMan V4.46.01 PKG and also the Report_Data.txt. Rename the MultiMan PKG as installPKG.pkg, leave the Report_Data.txt as is. Unplg the USB from your Computer and plug it into your PS3.

Step 3: On the PS3, go over to the Game section on the XMB and locate *Install Package Files and locate the InstallPKG.pkg Press X to insall it and wait forit to complete. Once done Reboot your PS3.

Step 4: After the Reboot, Go back to the Game section on the XMB and go to *Install Package Files again and hit the START button over the installPKG.pkg. It will say that "the Current version is already installed, do you wish to continue?" hit yes and allow it to install. Once its done installing open Multiman.

Step 5: Agree to the 3 pages of the Licence agreement when prompted and continue. Once you see the MultiMan logo and after it applys the Theme you should see a Refresh Logo pop up underneith it.

Once thats Completed you are running the StealthMan Version of MultiMan V4.46.03



Wednesday, September 4, 2013

ReActPSN V2.27 for 4.46 CEX Base CFW PS3

This is ReActPSN, this allows you to back up and store all your DLC EBOOT.BIN files, fix EBOOT.BIN files to work will not connected to PSN/SEN, back up and install RAP files to and from the PS3. This will allow you to use your DLC without having to Connect or download again.
Step 1:  After downloading the file below you will see after extracting there is a README.TXT and the ReactPSN.PKG. The Read Me is just the 3 major functions that i believe to be necessary. The PKG is what you are really going to need.
Step 2:  Take a USB flash drive and place it into your PC and copy the ReActPSN.PKG to the root of the USB Stick. Once  done, Connect the USB to the PS3.
Step 3:  On the PS3, go over to the GAME section and locate *Install Package Files and click X, You will see the ReActPSN V2.27, Click X to install the Package.
Step 4:  Once installed, Boot the Package with one of the following Button Combinations:
[L2] = Backup RAP files
[Triangle] = Fix and Backup EBOOT.BIN
[R2] = Install RAP files from USB
Once you to that you can use these extracted PS3 files to your use and purpose.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Possibly Un-Ban your PS3 with SEN Enabler V5.2

This is the SEN Enabler for CEX Base CFW users on 4.46 Custom Firmware or lower. This allows you to Spoof your Console ID, MAC address, and PSID with the Click of a button and can potentially Un-Ban your Console.

Know Bugs: Only works with some CEX Base CFW's such as Rogero and ARCH.

Step 1: Download the files below and extract to see the folder SEN Enabler V5.2 4.46 CEX. Inside this folder will be the following: SEN ID's Packager Folder, PSID.TXT, MAC.TXT, ConsoleID.TXT, README.TXT, and SEN Enabler v5.2 [CEX] [4.46].pkg

Step 2: Take a USB flash drive and plug it into your PC. On the Root of the USB copy the SEN Enabler v5.2 [CEX] [4.46].pkg as well as the PSID.TXT, MAC.TXT and the ConsoleID.TXT

Step 3: Unplug the USB flash drive from the PC and plug into your PS3. Scroll over to GAME section and locate *Install Package Files and press X. On Rebug Firmwares, Select Last option, other firmwares will just display. Press X on SEN Enabler v5.2 [CEX] [4.46].pkg to install.

Step 4: Run the SEN Enabler 5.2 from your GAME section and wait for the Menu. Press TRIANGLE to enable the Flash Write, then press R3 (Right Analogue Stick) to patch the TXT document Data. If it doesn't work upon reboot try a different 4.46 CEX Base CFW.


Sunday, August 25, 2013

Wagic Homebrew for PS Vita VHBL

This is the Homebrew Wagic for your VHBL running on your PlayStation Vita System.

Step 1: Download the File from below called Wagic.RAR and extract the Files.

Step 2: Wherever you have your Ps Vita folder on your PC, Locate that and place the Wagic Extracted folder in the X:/My Documents/PS Vita/PSAVEDATA/XXXXXXXXXX folder.

Step 3: On the PS Vita, Open Content Manager (CMA) and link up to your Computer, Select PC to PS Vita, Select Applications, then Scroll down to Savedata and select PSP/Other. Select the Wagic Icon and Copy it to the PS Vita System.

NOTE: Know Bug with Copying Wagic in 2.60 Exploit, If it doesn't work the first time, Connect CMA and try again but wait 5 Minutes, It worked for me.

Step 4: Now load up your Exploit Game and boot your VHBL and come to its main screen. Navigate to the SAVEDATA folder and select Wagic. It will ask you "Do you want to install this Homebrew?" Select Yes and then just Boot Wagic from the VHBL folder.


Updated Fix VHBL 2.60 Exploits V2

Ok so as many of you know, the new VHBL for 2.60 has been released for numerous games, There is a new Version 2 for the games Arcade Pool (US Version) and also Arcade Pool and Snooker (EU Version). This was due to some crash reports with the VHBL itself.

Download the following below updated files that I have here.

Arcade Pool (US Version) Arcade Pool and Snooker (EU Version)

That should help with the Crashing for your guys.

If you want to install this and follow a video on go here and watch my video

Arcade Pool US:
Arcade Pool and Snooker EU:

VHBL Install 2.60 Firmware PS Vita

This is the new VHBL for your PS Vita running on OFW 2.60. You will need the following Games for PSP Minis installed on your system Memory stick so you'll need to download this from PSN

You Need:
Arcade Darts (EU Version) PSP Mini
Arcade Darts (US Version) PSP Mini
Arcade Pool (US Version) PSP Mini
Arcade Pool and Snooker (EU Version) PSP Mini
World of Pool PSP Mini
Arcade Air Hockey and Bowling (US Version) PSP Mini
Arcade Air Hockey and Bowling (EU Version) PSP Mini
VHBL for 2.60

Step 1: Download, based on what PSP Mini you have, and install one of the following games above. to the PS Vita System and you can either run the game and make a save data to make the folder on the PC with Content Manager or you can do it manually.

Step 2: Download and extract the VHBL files and when you open up the files you will see a folder called NPEZ00053SLOT00 or something allong those lines, in my Case I'm using the Arcade Darts (US Version) so my folder is NPUZ00097SLOT00

Step 3: Copy This NPEZ00097SLOT00 folder, or whatever on you have, to your X:/My Documents/PS Vita/PSAVEDATA/XXXXXXX folder on your PC.

Step 4: after you copy the folder, go on the PS Vita and Start Content Manager. Go to PC then PC to PS Vita and Applications then, Save Data and you will see the VHBL icon for the Games Savedata you have chosen Listed and Copy that to the PS Vita System.

Step 5: Exit Content Manager and Start the game you intend to use the VHBL on, Let the Game load to the main menu and press X Button, Go to load game and Load the Save File and then hit O and the VHBL will load, Some are different as well and there are Text Documents in those Files with the VHBL Savedata folders on how to use them.

Stay tuned for more videos on how to run emulators and homebrew and also be sure to wait for the CEF (Custom Emulation Firmware) as well.

Arcade Darts US:
Arcade Darts EU:
Arcade Air Hockey and Bowling US:
Arcade Air Hockey and Bowling EU:
World of Pool:
Arcade Pool and Snooker EU:
Arcade Pool US:

Saturday, August 17, 2013

IrisManager V2.67 Unoficial PS3

This is the New Version on IrisManager For your PS3 running on CEX or DEX Base CFW 4.46 or lower.

Step 1: Download the files below and plug a USB into your PC.

Step 2: On the USB root, create a folder called "packages" (NO QUOTES) and open it. Place the IrisManager V2.67 PKG in this folder. Or Place the IrisManager V2.67 PKG on the Root of the USB

Step 3: If you placed the IrisManager PKG on the Root of the USB, Go to *Install Package Files on the Game XMB and Click X to install it. If in the USB:/packages folder, open MultiMan.

Step 4: Go to *Install Package Files and hit X on the IrisManager 2.65 to Qeue it and then Hit TRIANGLE. You will be diverted back to the PS3's XMB

Step 5: Go to *Install Package Files on the XMB under game and Press X on the IrisManager V2.65 and it will install and your done.


New Habib's CEX Base 4.46 V2.05 CFW PS3

This is the New CFW for your PS3 Running CEX Base CFW 4.46 V2.05 Habib's, This allows you to play online with no spoof and also there is a new Multiman with Stealth patch to install as well.

Step 1: After downloading the File below, Take a USB drive (at least 1GB) and plug it into your Computer.

Step 2: On the Root of the USB if you havent already make a folder called "PS3" (No Quotes" and open it. Inside that folder make a Folder called "UPDATE" (No Qoutes) and in this folder copy the NEW-Habib_4.46_V2.05PS3UPDAT.PUP

Step 3: Rename the NEW-Habib_4.46_V2.05PS3UPDAT.PUP to PS3UPDATE.PUP and then exit the USB and plug it into your PS3.

NOTE: There is no need to Update your SingStar MultiMan or Multiman yet but you will not be able to play yout Game Backups untill you do.

Step 4: On the XMB go to System Update and click X then go to Update Via Storage Media, Locate the 4.46 PUP and click X again. Allow the data to copy to the HDD and then hit the PS Button and resume the Update.

When the Update is done you are now Running CFW CEX Base 4.46 V2.05 Habib's


Tuesday, August 6, 2013

CEX Base CFW 4.46.1 Rebug REX Edition PS3

This is the new 4.46.1 Rebug CEX Base CFW REX Edition for your PS3 Running any CEX Base CFW.

Step 1: After Download the file, you will need a USB flash drive with at least 1GB of space, Plug that USB into your computer and on the root of the USB make a folder Called PS3, inside the PS3 folder make another folder called UPDATE. This is where you will place the Update file.

Step 2: Take the REBUG_4.46.1_REX_PS3UPDAT.PUP and copy that the the UPDATE folder on the USB. Rename the REBUG_4.46.1_REX_PS3UPDAT.PUP as PS3UPDAT.PUP (Windows 8 or Mac PS3UPDAT) and then plug the USB into your PS3.

Step 3: Under settings go to System Update and go to Update Via Storage Media, Select the 4.46.1 Rebug RE and click OK. Allow the System to run the Update and Reboot and your now running CFW 4.46.1 Rebug CEX REX.

*To install Rebug Tool Box, go to the Game Section on the XMB and load *Install Package Files and then select PS3 HDD and install the Tool Box. To use CEX/DEX settings in tool box change to Rebug Mode and Reboot System.


PS3 DEX Base CFW 4.41 PS3ita Rev 4.

This is the New PS3ita DEX CFW for your PS3 Running OFW 3.55 or Lower and for PS3's Running DEX Base CFW's.

Step 1: Download the file below and plugin a USB Stick with at least 500MB on it.

Step 2: On the Root of the USB make a folder called PS3, Inside that folder make another Called UPDATE. This is where the update will go.

Step 3: Copy the CFW_PS3ITA_441DEX_REV4.PUP to the UPDATE folder on the USB and rename the files as UPDAT.PUP Some windows won't show the PUP so if it doesnt just rename it PS3UPDAT

Step 4: Plug the USB into your PS3 Running OFW 3.55 or and DEX Base CFW and go to System Update, Select Via Storage Media and install and allow the system to boot on its own.

This firmware also Comes with a Backup Manager PS3ita Manager V1.30


PS3ita V1.30:

Rogero 4.46 V1.01 StealthMan Support CFW CEX

This is the New CEX CFW 4.46 V1.01 Rogero for your PS3 Running on CFW. This is just a mear update and has bug fixes, PSN is enabled on this CFW.

Step 1: After Downloading the File you will need a Flash Drive of at least 1GB to use. Plug in the Flash Drive and in the Root Directory of the drive Create a folder called "PS3" and in that folder create a folder called "UPDATE" (no qoutes for both)

Step 2: Copy the Rogero 4.46 V1.01 CFW PUP to the x:/PS3/UPDATE folder and rename it PS3UPDAT.PUP (IT MUST BE THAT)

Step 3: Unplug the USB Flash Drive from the PC and go to your PS3 and plug it in and go to System Update and select from Storrage media and you will see the update, Select it and start the installation

Step 4: Wait fpor the insallation to complete allow your system to reboot and then your running 4.46 V1.01 CEX Rogero CFW. It is now safe to unplug your USB

(StealthMan Install)

Go to PS3 App Home under Game and load up the Rogero Tool Box, Install MultiMan Packages and then Hit start to load up StealthMan base and update to Play online.


Tuesday, July 23, 2013

PS3 Alexander 4.46 R3 CEX Base CFW

This is the New CFW for your PS3 Running CEX Base CFW 4.46 Alexander R3, This allows you to play online with no spoof and also there is a new Multiman with Stealth patch to install as well.

Step 1: After downloading the File below, Take a USB drive (at least 1GB) and plug it into your Computer.

Step 2: On the Root of the USB if you havent already make a folder called "PS3" (No Quotes" and open it. Inside that folder make a Folder called "UPDATE" (No Qoutes) and in this folder copy the LDZFERROXRC2446_Alexander_4.46_CEX_PS3UP­DAT.PUP

Step 3: Rename the LDZFERROXRC2446_Alexander_4.46_CEX_PS3UP­DAT.PUP to PS3UPDATE.PUP and then exit the USB and plug it into your PS3.

NOTE: There is no need to Update your SingStar MultiMan or Multiman yet but you will not be able to play yout Game Backups untill you do.

Step 4: On the XMB go to System Update and click X then go to Update Via Storage Media, Locate the 4.46 PUP and click X again. Allow the data to copy to the HDD and then hit the PS Button and resume the Update.

When the Update is done you are now Running CFW CEX Base 4.46 Alexander R3


Thursday, July 18, 2013

New CEX Base CFW 4.46 Rogero V1.00

This is the New CEX CFW 4.46 V1.00 Rogero for your PS3 Running on CFW. This is just a mear update and has bug fixes, PSN is enabled on this CFW.

Step 1: After Downloading the File you will need a Flash Drive of at least 1GB to use. Plug in the Flash Drive and in the Root Directory of the drive Create a folder called "PS3" and in that folder create a folder called "UPDATE" (no qoutes for both)

Step 2: Copy the Rogero 4.40 V1.03 CFW PUP to the x:/PS3/UPDATE folder and rename it PS3UPDAT.PUP (IT MUST BE THAT)

Step 3: Unplug the USB Flash Drive from the PC and go to your PS3 and plug it in and go to System Update and select from Storrage media and you will see the update, Select it and start the installation

Step 4: Wait fpor the insallation to complete allow your system to reboot and then your running 4.46 V1.00 CEX Rogero CFW. It is now safe to unplug your USB


MultiMan (StealthMan) V4.46.01 Theme Pack

This is the Theme Pack that i have made for you guys, now i do not take credit for the Themes in this pack simply because I haven't made them but I put them all in one little bundle for you.

Step 1: Download the Theme Pack from below and extract the files.

Step 2: Plug in a USB and for ease of use make a folder on the root of the USB called Themes. Open that folder and place the Themes in this folder. Now unplug your USB and plug it into your CFW PS3.

Step 3: Open MultiMan or StealthMan, whatever on you have, and go to File Manager/mmOS. Once there open mmOS Root and you'll see USB001, Double Click the X Button on that and locate the Theme folder and open that, Press X once on the themes you want to copy and then hit CIRCLE, select copy.

Step 4: Open a new Window by opening mmOS Root again and go to the HDD00 and go to the Game golder, you will see a folder with the MultiMan logo on it, BLEUS..... open that folder and inside that folder go to themes, hit CIRCLE on the open Space and select Paste.

Step 5: On the File Manager Screen Select Games on what looks to be the Desktop of a Computer, you'll go back to the MultiMan XMB, once there go to Themes and apply them under MultiMan's Settings.


IrisManager V2.65 PS3 Backup Manager

This is the New Version on IrisManager For your PS3 running on CEX or DEX Base CFW 4.46 or lower.

Step 1: Download the files below and plug a USB into your PC.

Step 2: On the USB root, create a folder called "packages" (NO QUOTES) and open it. Place the IrisManager V2.65 PKG in this folder.

Step 3: Unplug the USB from your PC and plug it into your PS3 and open MultiMan.

Step 4: Go to *Install Package Files and hit X on the IrisManager 2.65 to Qeue it and then Hit TRIANGLE. You will be diverted back to the PS3's XMB

Step 5: Go to *Install Package Files on the XMB under game and Press X on the IrisManager V2.65 and it will install and your done.


Control Fan Utility V1.9.1 PS3 Homebrew

This is the Fan Control Utility version 1.9.1 for your PS3 Running on CEX or DEX base Custom Firmware.

Step 1: Download the files below and extract them to wherever you please. Or use a Archive viewing Program (WinRAR) to view the files

Step 2: Plug in your USB device and open it to the Root of the USB. If you have not already Create a folder called "packages" (No Quotes) and open it.

Step 3: Take the controlfan1.9.1.pkg and copy that to the packages folder along with the Sources folder from the files. Unplug your USB and plug it into the PS3.

Step 4: Go to the Game section on the PS3 and locate install Packeges, if your running the new Rogero 4.41 V1.00, open multiman and select install pkg files, install the Control Fan Utility PKG

Step 5: (Multiman Install) go to the XMB game section and select the bubble for Control Fan 1.81 and press Triangle and select install.

Step 6: Open and run the Control Fan 1.9.1 Tool and the menu will come up and list the controls. Now just change your speed modes with Square, Select mode 2 for custom, and Mode 1 for Default.


Sunday, July 14, 2013

IrisManager V2.60 For PS3 4.46 CFW's

This is the Update for the IrisManager for your PS3 Running on CFW 4.46. Wether you're on CEX or DEX Base this will work for Both.

Step 1: Download the file below and you'll have the irismanger260unofficialps3mod.pkg

Step 2: Take a USB flash drive and plug it into your computer, If you havent already, on the root of the USB make a folder called "packages" (NO QUOTES) and open it.

Step 3: Place either one of the irismanger260unofficialps3mod.pkg into the packages folder on the USB and then unplug the USB and plug it into your PS3

Step 4: Scroll over to the game section and locate Package Manager and open and install or update your IrisManager, if your runing Rogero like I am, open Multiman and go to Install PKG files and locate the irismanager. Press X to que and Triangle to install.

Step 5: When back on the XMB scroll to the games and Hit Triangle on the Bubble for IrisManager and select install and then your good to go


New Habib's 4.46 CEX Base V1.13 CFW For PS3

This is the New CFW for your PS3 Running CEX Base CFW 4.46 V1.13 Habib's, This allows you to play online with no spoof and also there is a new Multiman with Stealth patch to install as well.

Step 1: After downloading the File below, Take a USB drive (at least 1GB) and plug it into your Computer.

Step 2: On the Root of the USB if you havent already make a folder called "PS3" (No Quotes" and open it. Inside that folder make a Folder called "UPDATE" (No Qoutes) and in this folder copy the Habibs_CEX_CFW 4.46_V1.13_PS3UPDAT.PUP

Step 3: Rename the Habibs_CEX_CFW 4.46_V1.13_PS3UPDAT.PUP to PS3UPDATE.PUP and then exit the USB and plug it into your PS3.

NOTE: There is no need to Update your SingStar MultiMan or Multiman yet but you will not be able to play yout Game Backups untill you do.

Step 4: On the XMB go to System Update and click X then go to Update Via Storage Media, Locate the 4.46 PUP and click X again. Allow the data to copy to the HDD and then hit the PS Button and resume the Update.

When the Update is done you are now Running CFW CEX Base 4.46 V1.13 Habib's


Fan Control Utility V1.8 PS3 CEX/DEX

This is the Fan Control Utility version 1.81 for your PS3 Running on CEX or DEX base Custom Firmware.

Step 1: Download the files below and extract them to wherever you please. Or use a Archive viewing Program (WinRAR) to view the files

Step 2: Plug in your USB device and open it to the Root of the USB. If you have not already Create a folder called "packages" (No Quotes) and open it.

Step 3: Take the controlfanutility181alexanderps3mod.pkg and copy that to the packages folder along with the Sources folder from the files. Unplug your USB and plug it into the PS3.

Step 4: Go to the Game section on the PS3 and locate install Packeges, if your running the new Rogero 4.41 V1.00, open multiman and select install pkg files, install the Control Fan Utility PKG

Step 5: (Multiman Install) go to the XMB game section and select the bubble for Control Fan 1.81 and press Triangle and select install.

Step 6: Open and run the Control Fan 1.81 Tool and the menu will come up and list the controls. Now just change your speed modes with Square, Select mode 2 for custom, and Mode 1 for Default.


Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Install iOS 7 Beta Download

This is the New iOS 7 Beta, All the Links are below for what i was able to get and aloong with Tutorials on how to install Them.

Step 1: Download the Latest iTunes on your PC or Mac and then open it. Plug in your Device and Manually Back up your device by Clicking on iPod/iPhone/iPad and go to Summary and Back Up.

Step 2: Once you've backed up your Device, Click Restore iPod/iPhone/iPad. For iPhone 4, 4s and iPad 2 it will restore to 6.1.3 iOS. For iPhone 5, iPad Mini, Retnia Display and iPod 5 it will restore to 6.1.4.

Step 3: Once the Restore Process is complete, Set up your iPhone/iPod/iPad as New iPhone/iPod/iPad in iTunes. Your device should take the Name of your PC or Mac. Once done there Set up the Device on the device but DO NOT log into an Apple ID Account, just skip the step. Get the the Home Screen o the Device and leave it at that.

Step 4: Download your Device IPSW from the links below and extract them. They're in RAR format so you will need and extraction program. Extract the files to your Desktop and go into iTunes.

Step 5: On Windows hold down SHIFT (Mac OSX OPTION) and click Update on your device Summary in iTunes and a window should pop up allowing you to sellect your iOS 7 Beta IPSW manually to update to. Select it and allow iTunes to install it.

Step 6: Once the installation is finished, Unlock your device and get the Summary page back in iTunes and click Restore From Backup. Restore your device from the Backup you made in the beginning and once that is done your free to update to iOS 7 Beta 3 from your device in a few days. It just needs to register.

NOTE: If your using an iPhone and you have no service for a long time, take your SIM card and then plug it back in and you'll be fine. - Wont do it with Phones with no SIM

iPhone 4 CDMA:
iPhone 4 GSM:
iPhone 4S:
iPhone 5 a 1429:
iPhone 5 a 1428:


Tuesday, July 9, 2013

NEW CEX Base CFW 4.46 Habib's V1.09 For PS3

This is the New CFW for your PS3 Running CEX Base CFW 4.46 V1.09 Habib's, This allows you to play online with no spoof and also there is a new Multiman with Stealth patch to install as well.

Step 1: After downloading the File below, Take a USB drive (at least 1GB) and plug it into your Computer.

Step 2: On the Root of the USB if you havent already make a folder called "PS3" (No Quotes" and open it. Inside that folder make a Folder called "UPDATE" (No Qoutes) and in this folder copy the HABIB CEX-4.46 v1.09_PS3UPDAT.PUP

Step 3: Rename the HABIB CEX-4.46 v1.09_PS3UPDAT.PUP to PS3UPDATE.PUP and then exit the USB and plug it into your PS3.

NOTE: There is no need to Update your SingStar MultiMan or Multiman yet but you will not be able to play yout Game Backups untill you do.

Step 4: On the XMB go to System Update and click X then go to Update Via Storage Media, Locate the 4.46 PUP and click X again. Allow the data to copy to the HDD and then hit the PS Button and resume the Update.

When the Update is done you are now Running CFW CEX Base 4.46 V1.09 Habib's

Multiman Updates available below and tutorial can be found on the Multiman Page of my Website.
