Sunday, July 14, 2013

New Habib's 4.46 CEX Base V1.13 CFW For PS3

This is the New CFW for your PS3 Running CEX Base CFW 4.46 V1.13 Habib's, This allows you to play online with no spoof and also there is a new Multiman with Stealth patch to install as well.

Step 1: After downloading the File below, Take a USB drive (at least 1GB) and plug it into your Computer.

Step 2: On the Root of the USB if you havent already make a folder called "PS3" (No Quotes" and open it. Inside that folder make a Folder called "UPDATE" (No Qoutes) and in this folder copy the Habibs_CEX_CFW 4.46_V1.13_PS3UPDAT.PUP

Step 3: Rename the Habibs_CEX_CFW 4.46_V1.13_PS3UPDAT.PUP to PS3UPDATE.PUP and then exit the USB and plug it into your PS3.

NOTE: There is no need to Update your SingStar MultiMan or Multiman yet but you will not be able to play yout Game Backups untill you do.

Step 4: On the XMB go to System Update and click X then go to Update Via Storage Media, Locate the 4.46 PUP and click X again. Allow the data to copy to the HDD and then hit the PS Button and resume the Update.

When the Update is done you are now Running CFW CEX Base 4.46 V1.13 Habib's


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