Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Custom Themes on 6.60

This is the video for people who want Custom Themes (CTF)'s on there PSP running on Custom Firmware (CFW) 6.60 weather it be GOD, PRO or ME CFW.

Step 1: Download and extract the files for the CXMB and after extraction you should see the cxmb folder and inside that folder there should be a support folder, the cxmb.prx and CONF.txt.

Step 2: Copy the cxmb folder containing the Support folder cxmb.prx and the conf.txt to the PSP memory stick (MS) or if you have a PSP Go the HDD root.

Step 3: Make an seplugins folder on the MS or HDD root and open it and inside the seplugins folder create a VSH.txt and inside the VSH.txt write the following MS PSP "ms0:/cxmb/cxmb.prx 1" HDD PSP Go "ef0:/cxmb/cxmb.prx 1" and exit and save the text document.

Step 4: Take your 6.60 CTF files and place them in the ms0:/PSP/THEME folder or ef0:/PSP/THEME folder for PSP Go.

Step 5: Exit USB mode and activate the cxmb with the recovery menu, plugin manager or PRO settings and activate your themes through the basic theme settings.

CXMB: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=1U7TP24S

CTF: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=94YKMV5B


  1. hey do you know of a new link for cxmb, this ones toast

    1. yeah go to my website softwarereborn.com and go to the psp tab and go to cxmb for 6.XX and its there, i still need to update the links for my youtube im only halfway

  2. well i found one, but i dont have the CONF.txt file.. please help man

    1. if you want i could PM you a link to a CONF.txt for you, i could upload it to my website and give you the link
