This is the new version of Multiman for your PS3 running CEX or DEX base CFW 4.46. Down Below there will be links for DEX base and CEX base MultiMan PKG's and also the Stealth Pack.
Step 1: Download and extract the files, Depending on the Firmware you're running, Select the Needed MultiMan. Also the Stealth Add-on, Extract the Stealth files and plug in a USB Drive with at least 1GB of space.
Step 2: On the root of the USB place the MultiMan V4.50.02 PKG and also the Report_Data.txt. Rename the MultiMan PKG as installPKG.pkg, leave the Report_Data.txt as is. Unplg the USB from your Computer and plug it into your PS3.
Step 3: On the PS3, go over to the Game section on the XMB and locate *Install Package Files and locate the InstallPKG.pkg Press X to insall it and wait forit to complete. Once done Reboot your PS3.
Step 4: After the Reboot, Go back to the Game section on the XMB and go to *Install Package Files again and hit the START button over the installPKG.pkg. It will say that "the Current version is already installed, do you wish to continue?" hit yes and allow it to install. Once its done installing open Multiman.
Step 5: Agree to the 3 pages of the Licence agreement when prompted and continue. Once you see the MultiMan logo and after it applys the Theme you should see a Refresh Logo pop up underneith it.
Once thats Completed you are running the StealthMan Version of MultiMan V4.50.02
If you wish to install Showtime Just Install the CEX or DEX Base Versions Via *Install Package Files
This is the New CFW for your PS3 Running CEX Base CFW 4.50 V1.00 FERROX, This allows you to play online with no spoof and also there is a new Multiman with Stealth patch to install as well.
Step 1: After downloading the File below, Take a USB drive (at least 1GB) and plug it into your Computer.
Step 2: On the Root of the USB if you havent already make a folder called "PS3" (No Quotes" and open it. Inside that folder make a Folder called "UPDATE" (No Qoutes) and in this folder copy the FERROX_450_100.PUP
Step 3: Rename the FERROX_450_100.PUP to PS3UPDATE.PUP and then exit the USB and plug it into your PS3.
NOTE: There is no need to Update your SingStar MultiMan or Multiman yet but you will not be able to play yout Game Backups untill you do.
Step 4: On the XMB go to System Update and click X then go to Update Via Storage Media, Locate the 4.50 PUP and click X again. Allow the data to copy to the HDD and then hit the PS Button and resume the Update.
When the Update is done you are now Running CFW CEX Base 4.50 V1.00 FERROX
This is a new range of videos I will be putting out based on the new Microsoft Surface Windows 8 PRO RT and PRO tablets. This is a little introduction to help users understand their tablet a little better with downloads, installs and basic settings and more will be soon to come as we release your devices full potential.
This is the SEN Enabler for CEX Base CFW users on 4.50 Custom Firmware or lower. This allows you to Spoof your Console ID, MAC address, and PSID with the Click of a button and can potentially Un-Ban your Console.
Know Bugs: Only works with some CEX Base CFW's such as Rogero and ARCH.
Step 1: Download the files below and extract to see the folder SEN Enabler V5.2.2 4.50 CEX. Inside this folder will be the following: SEN ID's Packager Folder, PSID.TXT, MAC.TXT, ConsoleID.TXT, README.TXT, and SEN Enabler v5.2.2 [CEX] [4.50].pkg
Step 2: Take a USB flash drive and plug it into your PC. On the Root of the USB copy the SEN Enabler v5.2.2 [CEX] [4.50].pkg as well as the PSID.TXT, MAC.TXT and the ConsoleID.TXT
Step 3: Unplug the USB flash drive from the PC and plug into your PS3. Scroll over to GAME section and locate *Install Package Files and press X. On Rebug Firmwares, Select Last option, other firmwares will just display. Press X on SEN Enabler v5.2.2 [CEX] [4.50].pkg to install.
Step 4: Run the SEN Enabler 5.2.2 from your GAME section and wait for the Menu. Press TRIANGLE to enable the Flash Write, then press R3 (Right Analogue Stick) to patch the TXT document Data. If it doesn't work upon reboot try a different 4.46 CEX Base CFW.
Step 1: Select the proper download below and extract the file from the file you have downloaded, you WILL need an extraction program (WinRAR). you will have a (firmware)(Version)Spoof.PKG
Step 2: Plug in a USB flash drive and copy the PKG to the Root of the USB and then once it's done copying, unplug the USB and place it in your PS3.
Step 3: On the PS3 locate *Install Package Files and install the Package for your spoofer. Rebug CFW's wil need to select Basic Folder.
Step 4: To enable or disable the spoof at any time just run the application from XMB under GAME.