Monday, July 11, 2011

PSP Game Catigories 6.XX CFW

This is a video on how to install an SEplugin called Game Categories to your PSP running on 6.XX Custom Firmwares.

After downloading the RAR file, extract or open the file to see the "categorise_light_63X" folder inside the RAR file and in that folder will be the seplugins folder and open that up to see the "category_light.prx" place that PRX file in the seplugins folder on the root of your PSP's Memory Stick (MS) and then in the vsh.txt document that you should have in the seplugins folder write in it "mso:/seplugins/category_light.prx 1" (no quotes) and then you just exit USB mode, go to the recovery menu and plugins and enable it and your done.


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